Archive for the ‘Domestic Violence Help’ Category

Here are some statistics that should shock you:
-Every 2 minutes someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted.
-44% of victims that have been raped, sexually assaulted, abused or victims of incest are below the age of 18.
-In 2003, statistics showed that 1 out of 10 men have been rape victims.
-In 2003, 9 out of every 10 rape victims was female.
-93% of juvenile sexual assault victims know their attacker.

All of these statistics and more can be found at RAINN: the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network, the largest anti-sexual violence organization in the nation. RAINN provides counseling to victims, runs a sexual assault hotline (online and offline), supports victims seeking justice against their attackers, provides education on sexual violence, and is a leader in bringing national attention to sex crimes.

RAINN has helped over a million men and women who have been the victims of sexual assault by providing a National Sexual Assault Hotline that offers confidential round the clock services. If you have been the victim of rape, abuse, or sexual assault call 1-800-656-HOPE or visit

If you know someone who has been a victim please visit RAINN’s Help a Loved One’s page which offers advice, guidance and support.

To learn more on how to reduce the risk of assault, reporting an assault, or the laws and resources in your state regarding sex crimes visit RAINN.

How to Help a Friend Who is Being Abused
Domestic violence is a series of actions which are used to exert power and control over a cohabitant, spouse, ex-spouse, fiancé, boyfriend, or girlfriend. This relationship abuse takes on a variety of forms, but the most typical ones are emotional, sexual, and physical. Although domestic violence is generally thought of as a “female issue,” statistics are now showing that men are often victims of relationship abuse as well. Abuse does not target one specific gender, race, age, education level, or economic status. It can happen to anyone. In fact, according to a recent study conducted by the U.S. Department of Justice, approximately 1.5 million women and 835,000 men are reported battered each year.

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As the alleged rants of Mel Gibson show, domestic violence is alive and well in America. No matter what your level of wealth, education or social status it is a problem that might impact you or someone you know.

When quite young I saw an elder relative arrive at my home all bruised up. Her husband had a rage problem and a massive infidelity problem too. And yet in other ways he was extremely loving and kind. That kind of explains domestic violence to me. Someone who seems nice, who in public appears to be a good person, is someone quite different in private behind closed doors.

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